Webpacker ships with babel - a JavaScript compiler so
you can use next generation JavaScript, today. The Webpacker installer sets up a
standard babel.config.js
file in your app root, which will work great in most cases
because of @babel/preset-env.
Following ES6/7 features are supported out of the box:
- Async/await.
- Object Rest/Spread Properties.
- Exponentiation Operator.
- Dynamic import() - useful for route level code-splitting
- Class Fields and Static Properties.
We have also included core-js to polyfill features in the older browsers.
Don’t forget to add these lines into your main entry point:
import "core-js/stable";
import "regenerator-runtime/runtime";
Dynamic/Lazy Chunk Loading
For this section, you need Webpack and Webpacker 4. Then enable SplitChunks
as it is explained in docs/webpack.
Dynamic code splitting enables you to conditionally request/run only the JS that you need. For example, if your site has a searchBarComponent
on every page, you can reduce the page overhead by deferring the request for the searchBarComponent
code until after the page has loaded, until the user has scrolled it into view, or until the user has clicked on an element.
function loadSearchBarComponent() {
return import(/* webpackChunkName: "searchBarComponent" */ './pathTo/searchBarComponent')
The comment you see above (/* webpackChunkName */
) is not arbitrary, it is one of webpacks magic comments. They can be used to fine-tune import()
with settings such as defer
or prefetch
Warning: You should not attempt to dynamically load anything from your packs/
folder. Instead, try to make your pack
scripts a hub from which you dynamically load non-pack
- Docs for using magic comments
- Docs for configuring
in webpacker. - Docs for using dynamic
Module import vs require()
While you are free to use require()
and module.exports
, we encourage you
to use import
and export
instead since it reads and looks much better.
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Button'
// or
import { Button } from 'react-bootstrap'
class Foo {
// code...
export default Foo
import Foo from './foo'
You can also use named export and import
export const foo = () => console.log('hello world')
import { foo } from './foo'